Science and Work Plan

Organizational background

The IGCP 565 Project

Participation of international organizations

A large number of institutions in many countries are contributing to GGOS both with infrastructure and research relevant for the proposed activities. These contributions support the IGCP 565 Project indirectly or directly. Particularly the members of the GGOS Steering Committee (see help to ensure the support of the IAG Services for the project. The work in the GGOS Working Groups and Committees (see also supports the activities in the frame of IGCP 565.

In the frame of the GEO Task AR-07-03 (Global Geodetic Reference Frame) a large number of GGOS-related scientists have contributed to the report "The Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the Requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. IGCP 565 is a step in following up the recommendations made in the report for the future development of GGOS. Thus, broad support from the GGOS Community is ensured.

The project is coordinated with the activities in several GEO Work Plan Tasks, in particular the Task WA-07-02 (or a merged Task in the 2009-2011 Work Plan). It is expected that several Task Team members of this Task also will contribute to the proposed project. The GEO Secretariat has endorsed this proposal and will support the project, particularly the organizations of the workshops. GGOS is also an observer at CEOS, and the satellite related activities will be coordinated with CEOS, which is a Participating Organization of GEO. CEOS will also be consulted in the dialogue with the emerging space agencies in Africa and Asia, which are members of CEOS. In particular, the anticipated virtual constellation for water cycle monitoring is an issue to be addressed in cooperation with CEOS. Moreover, links to GEWEX and CLIVAR are utilized to coordinate the project activities with these projects.

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